We currently provide over 35,000 face-to-face evaluations each year for state agencies.

Accurate and objective assessments

The Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) program provides protections that align with federal and state obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure that individuals with mental illness, intellectual disability or a related condition are served in the least restrictive setting.

We bring Medicaid agencies our broad knowledge and experience of PASRR programs across multiple states along with industry-best practices to maximize quality care and cost-effective outcomes.

Comprehensive PASRR services

Our PASRR services include:

Level I screening
Level II evaluation
Determination and notification processing
Comprehensive PASRR IT system, addressing all federal and state-specific data elements
Extensive daily and monthly reporting

Valued and reliable partner


Years of experience
evaluating and assessing
medically necessary needs


States administering
quality assurance
and improvement


evaluations each year
for state agencies

Committed to maximizing quality care

We bring to states our broad knowledge and experience of PASRR programs across multiple states along with industry-best practices to maximize quality care and cost-effective outcomes for your beneficiaries.

Our 35 years of experience evaluating and assessing the medical necessity needs for Medicaid program beneficiaries and administering quality assurance and improvement in 40 out of 50 states enables us to benchmark best practices across programs and geographies.


Our Comprehensive Suite of
Assessment & Administrative Services

Behavioral Health Needs Assessment

Person-centered assessments for mental and behavioral health assessments.

Level of Care Assessments

Ensure quality treatment in the least restrictive environment.

Application Processing Center

Application service center support to Medicaid and CHIP programs.

Get Started with Acentra Health

Connect with an expert from our team and learn more about how 
Acentra Health's solutions and services can benefit your organization.