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Registration and Login

How do I receive my Atrezzo login credentials?

Once your Atrezzo Provider Administrator creates your account, the system will send an email with a link. Click the link to begin the multi-factor authentication registration process. Details on the registration process can be found in
Atrezzo Portal Multifactor Registration and Login Process - New External User.

I did not receive my password in the login credential email. How do I get that?

You will create your own password during the initial registration when completing the multi-factor authentication process.

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires users to verify identity using multiple independent methods. Instead of just asking for a username and password, MFA implements additional credentials like a pin sent via email or text, or a verification call made to a pre-registered phone number.

General System Questions

My system is not working correctly, what might cause this?

Atrezzo will run on multiple internet browsers, including Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft and will not run the Atrezzo Provider Portal. There may be times when you need to clear your browser history to increase performance of the Atrezzo Provider Portal. How to Clear Brower History in Chrome or Edge will help with these steps.

How do I reset my password?

Select your usual login method (either login with phone or login with email), then click "Forgot your Password?" to begin the process of creating a new password. For detailed instructions on resetting your password, see ,How to Reset a Password.

How do I reset my Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

If you missed the window for setting up your MFA and it needs to be reset, you will need to reach out to your Atrezzo Provider Portal Administrator. If you are unsure who your administrator is, please reach out to your designated Contact Support Center, or look up the contact information in the Contact Us tab.

How do I unlock my account after Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Setup?

You will need to reach out to the Contract Support Center. If you are not sure who to contact, please reach out to your designated Contact Support Center, or look up the contact information in the Contact Us tab.

How do I update my demographic or contact information in Atrezzo?

You can change your profile information by clicking the profile icon in Atrezzo, then clicking Edit User Profile. For more detailed instructions, see How to Update User Profile.

How do I change the provider or facility address?

This information is imported into the system from the MMIS Vendor. You will need to contact the MMIS (claims) vendor to update the information.

What does Requested Duration refer to when entering a PA request?

Requested Duration is the number of days you are requesting for your authorization. Example, 90 duration is equal to 90 days.

Is it essential to read the messages and complete saved requests?

It is good practice to read the messages and complete any saved messages. If the services have already been requested in another case, the saved request can be canceled.

What is the difference between Requested Duration and Requested Quantity when submitting a PA request?

Requested Duration is the number of days you are requesting for your authorization. Requested Quantity is the number of units for the requested procedure code. Example: a Physical Therapy request for 30 days (duration) and 12 visits (quantity).

Provider Admin Questions

How do I reset a user's Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

This may happen if a user's contact information has changed or they didn't complete the MFA process within the allotted 2 day time period. From the setup page, locate the user under the correct provider. Click Reset Registration and confirm the change. This will send an email to the user allowing them to reset their MFA.

For more details, see How to Reset User's MFA.

How do I add an additional provider to my provider group?

To add a provider, click Register New Provider in the Setup tab. Follow the steps to find and select the appropriate provider. For more detailed instructions, please see How to Add Additional Providers.

Where do I find my registration code?

Registration codes will vary depending on contract needs. Please reach out to your designated Contact Support Center, or look up the contact information in the Contact Us tab.

What user role should I assign when creating a new user?

Please see the table below for the user role name and the access associated.

Provider Group Admin Group Admins are super users. They can add and manage users and additional providers for the provider group, as well as everything listed for Provider Staff Account users. 
Provider Admin  Provider Admins can add and manage users within the single provider they are associated with. They also have access to everything listed for Provider Staff Account users. Multiple admins can be assigned as needed for your organization. 
Provider Staff Account Staff Account users can add authorization requests, view determination letters, obtain status updates, and message with the review team as needed. This is the default user role assigned when a new user is added. 
Provider Group Admin + Reports Same as Provider Group Admin with access to contract specific reports included. 
Provider Admin + Reports Same as Provider Admin with access to contract specific reports included. 

If we have hundreds of providers, do we register each provider or just the facility?

The way providers and groups are registered will depend how the claim needs to be paid. If the PA will be submitted for the facility, the claim will be paid for the facility. If the PA will be submitted for the individual provider, the claim will be paid for the individual provider.

If we already use Atrezzo for another contract, can we add the new provider contract to our existing login?

Yes, all users will be able to access multiple locations and various contracts through one single sign on.

Can we have more than one administrator?

Yes. You can assign as many administrators as needed to help manage facilities.

Provider Group Administrators will have the ability to manage users for all providers in the group.

Provider Administrators will have the ability to manage users only for the providers they are assigned.