David Adams
Chief Financial Officer
David Adams is Chief Financial Officer for Acentra Health and oversees the company’s global finance and facilities operations. A technology industry veteran and certified public accountant, Adams brings nearly 30 years of experience to the role. Adams joined CNSI in 2019, helping lead the sale of CNSI to Carlyle (NASDAQ: CG) as well as helping lead the CNSI-Kepro merger that formed Acentra Health.
Before CNSI, Adams served as CFO at multiple companies, including Endeavor Robotics and QinetiQ North America’s Services & Solutions Group. Prior to QinetiQ, Adams was vice president of finance at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). He has significant experience with mergers and acquisitions and has worked in both public, private, and private equity-backed organizations. He began his career with PwC as a manager of audit and business advisory services.
Adams earned a bachelor’s degree from Clark University, where he serves on the School of Management’s Dean Advisory Council, and a Master of Business Administration from State University of New York-Buffalo.